Sunday, October 5, 2014

The ReSpelling of Beautiful

Has a word ever become old to you? You know a word you use or hear so much that sooner or later it begins to fade into the backdrop of your vocabulary. The meaning begins to lose authenticity and suddenly you find yourself in search of another word to convey its meaning. I think that's happened to the word "beautiful". We use the word beautiful to describe so many things these days. We are a marvelous creation, that we would all have such diverse opinions and perspectives as to what constitutes beauty. That in itself is beautiful. But I belive somewhere along the way, real beauty has lost its way. Beauty walking in and out of movies, books and media ads for lotions, make-up, and miracle pills all in hopes of finding its way back to the heart. The respelling of beautiful took on meaning one day when my husband sat up and said, "that's it, be-you-till-full!". I've been taking this word apart ever since then, asking God to redefine this word to me in the context He intended when He inspired the penned words "fearfully and wonderfully made". Is it possible? Could it really be as simple as "just be you".  Just Be You"...some ladies really have this figured out. Or maybe we think they do because sometimes it seems that everyone has it more together than we do in certain areas. But nobody’s immune to the journey it takes to get where they are. Sometimes being you is awkward and takes some fumbling around and most times it takes great courage, but tapping into the original blueprint of you, requires that you be bold and just be you. Faults, quirks, beauties and all. Every situation needs a response from you.  A fitting response that can only come from the many many layers that make up you. And it seems that every life season calls for another layer of you. The enemy’s voice tries to tell us that we must look outward to find out who we are or who we need to be in that process of that change. When all the while, the blueprint is inward. Embracing what God weaved together from the start can only be found in relation to Him in relationship with HIM. This is true fullness that reveals true beauty. Searching for beauty outside of that leads to a feelings of inferiority, stress and emptiness. Fullness is found in embracing what God designed. Everything else is counterfeit.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...Jere. 1:5

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psa. 139:13


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